An angel,that morning...
It seemed like the nightmare was over and he was just standing there,like an angel,waiting for taking me back to life.
His magic and protection were enormously great and made me feel safe.
The world looked different,like everything had changed.Nothing stayed the same.And I become myself again,breathing finally!
I was no longer in the darkness and the colours all around me started to show up again as a new birth.
I remembered the sun existed and night was,by then, far away like wanting to be forgotten for always.Unfortunately wounds still hurt and never go away but I now know that magic is everywhere and found out I only need to be me and to trust myself to find happiness.
That wonderful morning,he introduce me to the world.I had been so welled in myself,trying to protect my last dreams,that I hadn´t seen for ages,the other half of Life.
This angel smiled me the most sincerely I needed at that time.I felt alive for the first time in months.
We visited together the places taken by those unknown spirits.Feelings and emotions surprised us and made us grow.
He was truly an angel for me,that morning,when I woke up.
He never discovered it.
I just keep thanking him secretly and giving him all the love he allows me to.He wants to protect himself so much that he has almost given up on him without seeing and knowing it,avoiding some feelings he has,trying desperatly not to be hurt.I gave myself a chance to be happy,setting my soul free,letting my feelings invade me as they appear to teach me how to grow.
Youth may be a hard time,but we should fly with no fears! Life has to be faced by its front!
Lisbon,22nd February.
His magic and protection were enormously great and made me feel safe.
The world looked different,like everything had changed.Nothing stayed the same.And I become myself again,breathing finally!
I was no longer in the darkness and the colours all around me started to show up again as a new birth.
I remembered the sun existed and night was,by then, far away like wanting to be forgotten for always.Unfortunately wounds still hurt and never go away but I now know that magic is everywhere and found out I only need to be me and to trust myself to find happiness.
That wonderful morning,he introduce me to the world.I had been so welled in myself,trying to protect my last dreams,that I hadn´t seen for ages,the other half of Life.
This angel smiled me the most sincerely I needed at that time.I felt alive for the first time in months.
We visited together the places taken by those unknown spirits.Feelings and emotions surprised us and made us grow.
He was truly an angel for me,that morning,when I woke up.
He never discovered it.
I just keep thanking him secretly and giving him all the love he allows me to.He wants to protect himself so much that he has almost given up on him without seeing and knowing it,avoiding some feelings he has,trying desperatly not to be hurt.I gave myself a chance to be happy,setting my soul free,letting my feelings invade me as they appear to teach me how to grow.
Youth may be a hard time,but we should fly with no fears! Life has to be faced by its front!
Lisbon,22nd February.
Very beautiful and deeply touching. Wonderful.
Pedro Melo, at 9:12 da tarde
this post is profound, that i had to read it more than once..
some of those fellings i've felt them to..and now i'm felling better than before..i found a person that enlightens my soul...
Lycan13, at 10:00 da tarde
os anjos estao por todo o lado, apenas as vezes passamos por eles, e nao os vemos. fazemos mal. temos que ter os olhos bem abertos, e nunca duvidar deles. e se olhares ainda melhor.. verás que no meio deles... há fadinhas. fadinhas como eu, que tambem aqui estao para ti, para ser tuas amigas. sao mais pequenas, tem menos poderes, sao frageis por vezes, caladas, meditam entre as flores, cantam à noite, dançam por todo o lado. mas nao deixam de estar lá. a teu lado. assim sou eu. adoro te amiga.
MJ, at 10:31 da tarde
Eu sei minha fadinha ** És e serás sempre a minha fadinha favorita e ocupas um lugar muito especial no meu coração! uM LUGAR SÓ TEU.
Quanto aos anjos,já tinha reparado neste antes,apenas ainda não tinha permitido a mim própria vê-lo para poder soltar-me e voar. Este anjo sempre foi especial para mim,desde o primeiro momento em que o vi..
Anjos ou fadas,só agora vejo que estou rodeada deles! Que bom! É maravilhoso!
Beijinhos para vós!!
Misterious_Spirit, at 10:34 da tarde
Que belíssimo texto!
É tão bom acordar uma manhã e "começar a ver" the other half of life!!!
Nunca te esqueças de que aprendes isto, é uma das mais poderosas lições que poderás aprender na tua vida e tem poderes curativos, cada vez que estiveres triste podes sempre saber que já alguma vez descobriste o caminho para a felicidade!
Um xi coração!
Isabel José António, at 1:29 da manhã
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